
About Michael Allen Gillespie

He is Professor of Political Science and Philosophy at Duke University. He is the author of Hegel, Heidegger and the Ground of History, Nihilism before Nietzsche, and The Theological Origins of Modernity. He is also co-editor of Nietzsche’s New Seas: Explorations in Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics, Ratifying the Constitution, and Homo Politicus, Homo Economicus. He is completing a new book, Nietzsche’s Final Teaching. He is the Director of the Gerst Program in Political,Economic, and Humanistic Studies, the AB Duke Scholars Program, and the Visions of Freedom Focus Program.
Latest Posts | By Michael Allen Gillespie
Deadly Hesitation
10 years ago

Deadly Hesitation

Imagine you are walking through the woods with a hunting rifle and come upon a clearing where two terrorists with large swords are about to cut the heads off ten …
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